There is a video for time tracking. You can watch that video here.

You can review projects you can assign your time to here.

You should NOT track your lunch and breaks.

Other descriptions for how to do time tracking are here

Standard Hashtags

  • #engineering
  • #pm (product management)
  • #design (designing something)
  • #code (writing code, not needed if you're working on a ticket)
  • #devops (Working on code or server infrastructure)
  • #daily (daily standup)
  • #codereview (code reviews of others)

Marketing and Sales Hashtags

  • #writing (writing something)
  • #editing (editing something)
  • #customer (customer-related activities)

  • #proposal (writing a proposal)

  • #bizdev (Business development and channel management activity)

  • #event (attending or producing an event)
  • #pr (doing PR stuff)
  • #social (managing social media accounts)
  • #website (website publishing and management)
  • #webdev (website coding, programming)
  • #webux (web design)
  • #selling (follow ups, prospecting, engagement)
  • #demo (demo calls)
  • #process (salesforce setup, autopilot, zendesk)

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    No results matching ""